• Susan Quayle: "When you released that the course would be Currency the expectation that my brain came up with was blown to prices and rebuilt when we got into it lol TBH whatever you would have said wouldn't have prepared me for the unbelievable awesomeness that has been delivered lol I am actually wondering who the actual heck I am since starting this course I am continuously planning my next moves for building my business with breakthroughs on so many of the things that have held me back.
  • Lotte Schoots: "For me… the tag line of the program and the AMAZING posts after the welcome call in the AF group made me jump in last minute.”
  • Jennifer Paré: “I honestly don’t know how to put it into words. I bought with no idea what it was, and have been blown away by the content. Was more then I could have imagined.“
  • Jade PH: “I actually loved the one word prompt…CURRENCY… that was enough for me to know that I had made the right decision. I love that the magic of this course as it unfolds with each session and that we don’t know what is coming next. Makes the magic more magic!”
  • ​Vanessa Naja: “I ALWAYS read sales pages for things I'm interested in. Except for you Melanie, I'll buy anything you're offering having no idea what it is. I always look at testimonials so I'd definitely add a section of those on a sales page for this. Hands down the BEST money program I've ever taken.”
  • Kimberly Kaase: "I think this is my favorite program of yours! I’ve already watched the first 2 modules 3 times. If someone is on the verge, jump in!!!"
  • Cynthia Soszka: "I feel like I could listen to each module once a month for years and keep getting new helpful information each time that I didn't hear the first time!!! This program is so incredibly valuable!!! !! If you're on the fence, it's worth way more than $1,111!!!”
  • Violeta Grozavu: “It is beyond my expectations! I've watched some modules three times because they are just mind-blowing. I don't think someone could even imagine what it is the depth of this program related to when they read the name "Currency."
  • Thank you, Melanie, and thank you to myself for trusting me to buy it when I heard about it the very first time!"
  • Carla Ragsdale- Center: “I have had breakthroughs in this program that I’ve been searching for the last 3 years. It’s so incredible!”
  • ​Bridget Douglass Mimari: “Unbelievable shifts for me in this program. Priceless."
  • Susan Quayle: "When you released that the course would be Currency the expectation that my brain came up with was blown to prices and rebuilt when we got into it lol TBH whatever you would have said wouldn't have prepared me for the unbelievable awesomeness that has been delivered lol I am actually wondering who the actual heck I am since starting this course I am continuously planning my next moves for building my business with breakthroughs on so many of the things that have held me back.
  • Lotte Schoots: "For me… the tag line of the program and the AMAZING posts after the welcome call in the AF group made me jump in last minute.”
  • Jennifer Paré: “I honestly don’t know how to put it into words. I bought with no idea what it was, and have been blown away by the content. Was more then I could have imagined.“
  • Jade PH: “I actually loved the one word prompt…CURRENCY… that was enough for me to know that I had made the right decision. I love that the magic of this course as it unfolds with each session and that we don’t know what is coming next. Makes the magic more magic!”
  • ​Vanessa Naja: “I ALWAYS read sales pages for things I'm interested in. Except for you Melanie, I'll buy anything you're offering having no idea what it is. I always look at testimonials so I'd definitely add a section of those on a sales page for this. Hands down the BEST money program I've ever taken.”
  • Kimberly Kaase: "I think this is my favorite program of yours! I’ve already watched the first 2 modules 3 times. If someone is on the verge, jump in!!!"
  • Cynthia Soszka: "I feel like I could listen to each module once a month for years and keep getting new helpful information each time that I didn't hear the first time!!! This program is so incredibly valuable!!! !! If you're on the fence, it's worth way more than $1,111!!!”
  • Violeta Grozavu: “It is beyond my expectations! I've watched some modules three times because they are just mind-blowing. I don't think someone could even imagine what it is the depth of this program related to when they read the name "Currency."
  • Thank you, Melanie, and thank you to myself for trusting me to buy it when I heard about it the very first time!"
  • Carla Ragsdale- Center: “I have had breakthroughs in this program that I’ve been searching for the last 3 years. It’s so incredible!”
  • ​Bridget Douglass Mimari: “Unbelievable shifts for me in this program. Priceless."
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