Q: If I can't be on the Live calls, will the replays be available?

A: ALWAYS! Every Live is done on Facebook (or Zoom with a Live FB stream), so the replays will be available within the group immediately after they're done!

Q: How long will I have access to the program?

A: Each program is different. Many of them give at least one month access to the group and the replays (Example: Femme Fatale). Some give access for almost a year (Example: Impact Academy). Others, like the paid masterclasses, have lifetime access! (Example: The Prosperity Codes)

Q: Where will the programs be held?

A: All of the programs are currently held in private Facebook groups, however the training sessions are often on Zoom. You will need a Facebook account to access the groups (and the replays on any courses that are not lifetime access). 
Many people create accounts JUST to access Melanie's courses.

Q: Are the programs in French?

A: Many pre-recorded programs have one Live French call at the end to recap the course.
Please check the order page for the program you are interested in for exact info!

Q: Will there be access to subtitles?

A: YES! As soon as each training is complete, we upload them to YouTube and post the link in the Facebook group. That video will have subtitles in the language of your settings! (Please allow us a few hours to get the video up!)

Q: Do any of the programs give me access to 1:1 time with Melanie?

A: Unfortunately, no. The only way to get 1:1 time with Melanie is to be in one of her higher level masterminds, or 1:1 coaching itself.
However, when Melanie does Live trainings it is entirely possible your questions will get answered! 

Q: Will there be a Q&A?

A: Many of Melanie's programs do have a Q&A! Please check the order page for the program you're interested in to see if it has one!

Q: Can I use my purchase as a credit?

A: Only programs that specifically state on the sales page that a credit is available can be used to purchase other programs.

Q: What is the schedule for my program?

A: We will give the start date as soon as it is scheduled!
As soon as the full schedule is available it will be sent out via email after you've purchased. Only those that purchase will have access to the schedule when it becomes available. 

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Alpha Femme cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our
 information, courses, programs. masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies. 

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Alpha Femme brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Alpha Femme programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

Alpha Femme is, in no way, associated or in business with Facebook. This site is not sponsored by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Meta Platforms, Inc.