Alpha Femme presents...


The Dawn of a new Paradigm

A 5-module stunning program with 
Melanie Ann Layer

In the old paradigm there were the rich and the poor...

Generationally gifting their understanding of life as they experienced it as their legacy, along with their fortune or lack thereof...

There were tales of poor men who discovered riches... but far too often those men were said to have taken a toll for the worst when the wealth came...

The stories were often spun to keep the wealthy, wealthy... and the less fortunate... grateful to be good... and it seemed, as it was told... that is wasn’t possible to be both.

In this paradigm little girls were “groomed” to be wed to wealthy men... for a chance of a better life...

But with years of programming... that rich men were “bad”.  As they grew older, these girls, now young women, fell for the romance and magic of forbidden love... with men of lesser fortune...

We soon entered a new paradigm...
(All the while coexisting with the old paradigm that still lived strong)

... One of « The Entrepreneurial Man », who would go against the odds for his family. “Behind every man is a great woman”, they would say. She believed in him, she loved him for who he was, she helped him see his own power... and then he became the man he always dreamed of being...

Except, to men of the old paradigm, this would always be a wolf in sheep’s clothing... and the good man felt he couldn’t belong...

So he changed.

And her love for him changed. And her belief in him changed. And the story of money being the root of all evil perpetuated...

And then, yet again, a new paradigm emerged.
(All the while coexisting with the old paradigms that still lived strong)

The paradigm of the “masculine energy lead woman”.  Who needed to be both mother and father figure to her children, who needed to pay bills and sing lullabies... 

She didn’t “need a man”, she “could do it all by herself”. She realized that, instead of being “the great woman behind the man”, she could simply “be... a great woman.”

But she felt she had a lot to prove...

“A woman in a man’s world”, striving for success while fearing the poverty she knew all too well...

Driven by fear of lack... she worked hard, she put everyone else first, she gave everything she had... but she did it...

And she created a new paradigm...
(All the while coexisting with the old paradigms that still lived strong)

Women who believe they can do great things...

But don’t want to give their lives away in the process...

Women who desire to create wealth, with heart-led businesses.

Women who desire to have it all...

And those women began to ask questions...

And God, Mother Nature, the Universe...

Sent them daughters...
Divine channels,
Creative geniuses,
Money muses...

With answers...
Or direct access to the answers.

And a new paradigm emerged...
(All the while coexisting with the old paradigms that still live strong)

Women can choose their partners based on compatibility, love, and desire...

And Men, in the presence of these women... rise into a new paradigm of masculinity that has never been seen before...

Women are an energetic match for wealth, and learn from each other, and teach one another in a way where logical time seems to disappear... 

They are healing lifetimes of generational coding around love and money at warp speed... and they are shouting it from the rooftops.

This new paradigm is the new world...
(All the while coexisting with the old paradigms that still live strong)

Old paradigms do not need to die for new ones to be birthed.

We will need to learn to coexist with multiple realities at once. Without compromising the truth of the paradigm we stand for.

That is true strength,
That is true power,
That is the key to the ascension into...

The Next Paradigm.

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