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For a short time, when you register for Impact Academy...

You will receive Currency as a BONUS Program!

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For a short time, when your register for Impact Academy...

You will receive Currency as a BONUS Program!

A Right of Passage.
“There’s a woman that lives inside each of us that’s mystical and magnetic; a woman so powerful she need only declare her will to make it so. She’s a woman who flows effortlessly with the ocean of time, who sparks magic in the world around her and who has the Universe conspiring to manifest her every desire. Right now, she’s awaiting activation in you. ”
- Melanie Ann Layer
You want to leave a lasting impact. You have 
a gift you want the world to see. You want
 your community to feel real and your
 marketing to feel effortless. 
You want to leave a lasting impact. You have  a gift you want the world to see. You want your community to feel real and your marketing to feel effortless. 
I know, I get it. There’s an unrivalled power in a woman with a desire in her heart to succeed, to do big things, and to leave her mark on the world. It’s an incredible loss for the world if this woman doesn’t have the impact she desires, and yet it happens all the time. We post something, it’s seen by no one, we feel deflated. We struggle to keep showing up when it seems like no one cares. We look at other people online and wonder why they’re succeeding and we aren't, and assume they must have something special that we don’t. 

But the truth is, we become special because we do it; we become special because we keep going, even when it's not succeeding in the way we want.
I know, I get it. There’s an unrivalled power in a woman with a desire in her heart to succeed, to do big things and to leave her mark on the world. It’s an incredible loss for the world if this woman doesn’t have the impact she desires, and yet it happens all the time. We post something, it’s seen by no one, we feel deflated. We struggle to keep showing up when it seems like no one cares. We look at other people online and wonder why they’re succeeding and we aren't, and assume they must have something special that we don’t. 

But the truth is, we become special because we do it; we become special because we keep going, even when it's not succeeding in the way we want.
“We’re already an online brand whether we’re consciously creating one or not. Why not focus our energy on making sure that brand has an impact?”
- Melanie Ann Layer
I’ve worked with a lot of women who’ve run ads to get their following and they often tell me that it doesn’t feel real. When impact and success are created in the way I teach, it is real, and there is no chasing. 

Rocking an online brand is about learning how to stand out from the crowd on social media. It’s about cultivating your community as an ecosystem, not just ‘gaining followers.’ Creating the kind of community that I have created is an art form and in this program I’ll teach you exactly how I did it.
I’ve worked with a lot of women who’ve run ads to get their following and they often tell me that it doesn’t feel real. When impact and success are created in the way I teach, it is real, and there is no chasing. 

Rocking an online brand is about learning how to stand out from the crowd on social media. It’s about cultivating your community as an ecosystem, not just ‘gaining followers'. Creating the kind of community that I have created is an art form and in this program I’ll teach you exactly how I did it.
Life isn’t about what you do,
it’s about who you are when you do it.
We go through life trying to figure out what to do to get the life we want, but never 
think about who to be. We do everything we can to manifest money—crystals in the 
bra, meditations, guided visualisations—and money never comes. Or we do
 everything we can to be with someone—show up in the right way, say all the right 
things, but inside we feel insecure and needy and it doesn’t work. 

This program will help you realize it doesn't matter what you do until you change
who you are. You will manifest everything you want when you know yourself, lead 
yourself and can be fully and deeply with yourself. This is the Alpha Femme.

Melanie Ann Layer

- Creator of Alpha Femme

When I get to the end of my days, I want to leave behind a legacy where women are creating lives that give freedom to themselves and everyone around them, and they’re doing it entirely in their own way. 

Tapping into our inner power and finding our own unique voice is the only way we’re ever going to do this—to learn what we’re made of, to reach our highest potential and to be able to share our truth with the world. 

I learned this for myself, eight years ago when I was working on my business from the passenger seat of my car. I found a way, on my own, without an assistant, a website, a formula or a sales funnel, to grow my business to $200,000 a month while staying true to who I was, and consistently speaking my truth. As soon as I nailed it, I knew I needed to share it with the world, so I created Impact Academy.

I succeeded by consistently posting about MY truth. When I was excited about a client, I’d share my excitement. When I was sad over something, I’d share my sadness. When I was doing something cool, I’d share my experience…but it has, and always will be, MY truth. No exaggeration, nothing misleading, just me and my feelings.

From the bottom of my heart, I believe that when we find and speak our truth, we will be successful. There is enough for every single woman on this earth to reach her highest potential and greatest success and for there to be an infinite amount left over for everyone else. I help my clients grow wildly successful businesses by writing their own rules because I had to do the same. Most of us become entrepreneurs because we want to succeed in our own way, not because we want to be told what to do and how to do it.
I succeeded by consistently posting about MY truth. When I was excited about a client, I’d share my excitement. When I was sad over something, I’d share my sadness. When I was doing something cool, I’d share my experience…but it has, and always will be, MY truth. No exaggeration, nothing misleading, just me and my feelings.

From the bottom of my heart, I believe that when we find and speak our truth, we will be successful. There is enough for every single woman on this earth to reach her highest potential and greatest success and for there to be an infinite amount left over for everyone else. I help my clients grow wildly successful businesses by writing their own rules because I had to do the same. Most of us become entrepreneurs because we want to succeed in our own way, not because we want to be told what to do and how to do it.
Alpha Femme | Copyright © 2024 | All Rights Reserved
Alpha Femme cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our
 information, courses, programs. masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies. 

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Alpha Femme brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Alpha Femme programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

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